s e l f
we work to better ourselves as a business and as human beings. being unwavering in our principles, knowing our intentions, understanding the tasks, and methodically facilitating our ideas from concept to physical. in doing this, the output naturally is that of quality, integrity, and honesty.
g i v e
we exist to provide our guests with a real experience of being. to share our mentality and values through service, provisions, space, and sounds. to present our staff our idea of a sustainable and cultivating workplace. to extend care, love, and when necessary, discipline. to instill a strong work ethic, to teach with patience, and to train with persistence.
e d u c a t e
we exist to demonstrate to our staff and neighbors responsibility, resourcefulness, and if earned, respect. not only to each other, but to the world as a whole. to teach through speech but most importantly action.
e m p o w e r
we exist to enable our community to progress mentally, physically, and structurally with or without the aide of the government. to maintain the steadfast attitude that difficult does not mean impossible and that there is no limit but the one you set. to be independent, self-reliant, and self-sustaining.
c o n n e c t
we exist to create an environment where like-minds can meet, exchange ideas, problems, and solutions. to exist in such a way that illuminates the realization that everything is connected. from the vegetables we harvest to the animals we slaughter. that you are not a drop in the ocean but rather the entire ocean in one drop.